Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mid-Sixth Week

Here I am, on day 2 of week 6, and feeling all the lovely symptoms of the first trimester. My breasts are insanely sore to the touch (even clothes brushing up against my nipples hurts), I'm queasy in the morning for some portion of the AM, and I'm tired all the time. Luckily, I have not been particularly moody since we first found out I was pregnant. I personally think I was just going through the emotional roller coaster that goes along with the discovery. I have never been great with transitions.

Now George and I have been enjoying lazying around together. I think he's died and gone to heaven with this new, mellower, more tired and dopey wife. And he's been mercifully understanding and supportive of the fact that I am currently "phoning" my work in, so to speak. I am able to teach well - my students haven't missed a beat - but as far as research goes? No way. Not happening right now. I just need to make it through the next few weeks of the quarter, then I have nearly a month off to relax. By the time I return for Winter quarter I will be in my 4th month of pregnancy, and hopefully enjoying the increased energy of the second trimester. But we'll see!

I'm now weighing in at 127.9lbs, but at one point this week I was down to 127.1lbs. I'm trying to not exceed 131 before my 12th week, but of course, I'll be kind to myself either way. I have been exercising almost daily, but I have also been eating far larger breakfasts and snacking throughout the day.

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