We just returned from two blissful weeks in Maui, where we stayed with my parents and my sister and brother-in-law at the Maui Sunset. My parents arranged for us to have a two bedroom condo, my sister and brother-in-law to have their own one bedroom, and had their own two bedroom where they stayed and hosted our good family friend Ron. It was an incredible time, especially for Violet who swam every single day and loved making her first memories of the beach.
All of us at "Tommy Bahamas" for Happy Hour |

As I mentioned in my previous blog about our trip to Indiana, George and I are completely over the notion of going anywhere for "vacation" while our kids our little unless we are with family.
Alice's first day at the beach! |
George and I have spent time in Maui together in 2010 and in Kauai in 2007, and this was, obviously a very different kind of trip. But even though our time was arranged according to the needs of our two babies, we still were able to fit in some romantic time together and some social time with the grown ups. This included going out one night with Genna and Kaz to an awesome chic foodie place called Duo, and going on two date nights: one to Sorento's and the other to Morimoto at the Andaz Hotel. Both were very romantic and had amazing sunsets!
Kaz, Genna George and I at DUO at the Fairmont |
Our last night in Maui: George and I outside of Morimoto at Hotel Andaz |
Violet had an absolute blast (and so did George!) at their first luau! Violet even got onto the stage and represented our table with her hula skills. At some point I will embed the video...
Genna and Alice |
But of course the best part of the whole vacation was when we could all spend time together, and watching the joy that my family of origin gives to my sweet girls, and visa vera.
My dad did a lot of morning baby sitting for us, so that we could take Violet to the pool, or out while Alice slept or stayed in with Tata. They really bonded this trip.
And as usual, Violet can't seem to get enough of her "Copy." I swear she is a little Wendy - totally cut out of the same clothe. I better prepare myself for her teen age years!
Copy and Violet "beach-combing" at the beach right by our condo |
ALOHA from Alice, Violet and the Twin Humus!
We took the girls to the fancy restaurant at the Grand Wailea, humuhumunukanukua'a's They were perfectly behaved and the four of us shared two three course meals, including "Surf and Turf" entres! At the end of the meal, the server gave my girls these adorable stuffed humu fishes. They love them! |
On our last day my parents took all of us to happy hour at Five Palms. |
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