She is now 2 1/2 and talks in full sentences. She is full of life, zesty and opinionated as could be. She is the happiest, most enthusiastic person I have ever met...unless she's upset about something, in which case she's super upset. She is her mother's daughter and feels everything to the max, sees life in technicolor and is a true a bon vivant!

Besides that, my husband George now has two full time jobs. I have been promoted from Post-doctoral Fellow to Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance at Santa Clara University. This is quite a fete I think considering I have had two babies whilst securing said job. We'll see if I can manage to be the kind of mom and wife I want to be and also be the kind of professor my department and college needs. I think there will be some stress there - but I do think it is possible. I am hopeful, optimistic, that I somehow do both at about a B+ level, and that in the end that is the best thing for me to do. But, I may be getting to philosophical for my first blog back from a three year hiatus. It's 2014! I have been a mom since mid-2011! Fuq! How did that happen?
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